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First time in Hokkaido.....


Nancy Gilgoff is thought to be the first American woman to travel to India to study Ashtanga yoga with Pattabhi Jois. Certainly she’s one of a trio credited with bringing Ashtanga to America in the 1970s, along with David Williams and David Swenson.

Having dedicated herself to teaching the tradition for many years, she has brought students from all over the world to her doorstep with her love for Ashtanga.


Nancy is able to teach with a style and touch that comes directly from Pattabhi Jois. When Nancy asked Jois how she should teach, he told her to "teach the way I taught you"—advice which she took to heart and continues to follow today.


Nancy loves to visit Japan with her assistant Keiko every now and then. Nancy has given several workshops within Japan but never in Hokkaido. It is first time and looking forward to practice yoga in beautiful surroundigs of Niseko. 


Nancy Gilgoff はアメリカ人女性で始めてインドへ渡りPattabhi Joisの元でアシュタンガヨガを習得した人物です。彼女はDavid WilliamsやDavid Swensonと共に70年代アメリカへアシュタンガヨガを伝えた第一人者と呼んでも過言ではないでしょう。国境を越えて様々なヨギ達が、何十年もその伝統を



’私が教えたように人に教えなさい’とPattabhi JoisがNancy に言った通り、彼女は今でも忠実にPattabhi Joisのスタイルを守り続けています。





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